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Where Was Balamory Filmed?

Whats the story in Balamory, wouldn’t you like to know? What’s the story in Balamory, where would you like to go?

Those of us that grew up between the years 2002 and 2005 may remeber the classic TV show, Balamory. You may be wondering where the colourful costal town was located. We have done our research and we have answers!

The majority of the TV show was filmed in the beautiful town of Tobermory. One of the locations that you wouldn’t find in Tobermory is Archie’s Castle which is actually located at Fenton Tower in Kingston, North Berwick. That’s almost 180 miles (aproximately 5 hours in the car) from Tobermory. Although the castle has hints of pink, it is not actually hot pink like it is in the TV show. Sorry if we just ruined your childhood.

You can actually stay in Josie Jump’s House as it is actually the Park Lodge Hotel. they feature fair priced family rooms which are perfect for all from families on the Balamory trail to hill walkers and wildlife enthusiasts. The hotel is a family run hotel with its own bar, private car park and limited pet friendly rooms.

We couldn’t finish this article without mentioning the main star of the show, Miss Hoolie, the Nursery Teacher. She lives in the little green cottage which is located on West Street, Tobermory. Althought the cottage has now been painted blue, it still brings back the same nostalgia.

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